ΤΙΜΕΣ 2019

Insulation monitoring device for unearthed AC / DC systems (IT systems) in small and medium-sized photovoltaic systems

The ISOMETER® isoPV485 is designed for insulation monitoring in photovoltaic systems. It is used for monitoring the insulation resistance between the solar modules and the inverter to earth. The patented AMP measurement method allows insulation faults to be measured with the same sensitivity at all points in the system. Another advantage of this measurement method is that symmetrical faults, as for example caused by humidity and dirt, can also be detected .
isoPV485-421 / B91068144
isoPV425 with AGH420

Insulation monitoring device for unearthed AC, AC/DC and DC systems (IT systems) for photovoltaic systems of up to AC 690 V/DC 1000 V

DC components existing in AC/DC systems do not influence the operating characteristics. An external supply voltage allows de-energised systems to be monitored too.
isoPV425-D4-4+AGH420 / B71036303
1.191.00 €
IRDH275 Photovoltaic

Insulation monitoring device for unearthed AC, AC / DC and DC systems (IT systems) for photovoltaic systems

The A-ISOMETER® of the IRDH275 series is designed to monitor the insulation resistance of unearthed main circuits (IT systems) AC, AC / DC 0…793 V resp. DC 0…650 V. Solar systems containing inverters and isolating transformers are often designed as IT systems. IRDH275 device variants using an AMPPlus measuring principle capable of adapting to slow voltage fluctuations meet the particular requirements of modern solar systems. Due to wide spatial distribution or EMC interference suppression methods often high leakage capacitances against earth occur in these systems. Considering this, the IRDH275 automatically adapts to the system conditions in order to optimise the measuring time. In combination with a coupling device, the devices can also be used for higher voltages. An external supply voltage allows de-energised systems to be monitored too.
IRDH275-49335 / B91065127
1.720.00 €
isoPV327/335 with AGH-PV

Insulation monitoring device for unearthed AC, AC/DC and DC systems (IT systems) for photovoltaic plants up to AC 793 V/DC 1100 V

Solar systems containing inverters and isolating transformers are often designed as IT systems.
iso-PV variants using the AMPPlus measurement method capable of adapting to slow voltage fluctuations meet the particular requirements of modern solar systems. Due to wide spatial distribution or EMC interference suppression methods often high leakage capacitances against earth occur in these systems. Considering this, the isoPV automatically adapts to the system conditions in order to optimise the measuring time. In particular, the requirements for permissible voltage ranges along with a low level of insulation can be met here. Use the ISOMETER® isoPV in combination with the AGH-PV only.
An external supply voltage allows deenergised systems to be monitored too.
isoPV-335+AGH-PV-3 / B91065133W
2.304.00 €

Insulation monitoring device with residual current monitoring (isoPV1685PFR only) for unearthed DC systems for photovoltaic systems up to 1500V.

The measurement method specially developed for slow voltage fluctuations (MPP-Tracking) monitors the insulation resistance even in systems equipped with large solar generator panels where extremely high system leakage capacitances against earth exist due to interference suppression methods. Adaptation to system-related high leakage capacitances also occurs automatically. The device generates locating current pulses required for insulation fault location. That allows the localisation of the insulation fault using permanently installed or mobile insulation fault locators. Integrated residual current monitoring allows fast signalling of a measured insulation faults on the AC side (inverter, transformer).
isoPV1685-425 / B91065603
3.304.00 €
Fault Location Devices

The EDS309… is a portable insulation fault location system for localising insulation faults in unearthed systems (IT systems). All essential components are housed in a robust aluminium case which is convenient to carry. 
  • for photovoltaic systems with PGH186 up to 20…575 V 42…460 Hz, DC 20…504 V
    with AGE185 up to AC 500…790 V 42…460 Hz, DC 400…960 V
EDS3096PV / B91082031
7.702.00 €

Insulation fault evaluator for DC IT systems involving high system leakage capacitances  more...

EDS460-DG-2 / B91080019
1.385.00 €